Tag Archives: Uttarakhand

Mukteshwar, Nainital – a short Himalayan travel video story

It’s been a week that I have started a new YouTube channel where I would be sharing weekly videos about travel, photography, automotive, and even a little bit of my daily life in the form of vlogs.

This week, I am sharing a small 3 minute video from a beautiful place in the Himalayas that I travelled to – Mukteshwar. I hope you guys like the video, and please do Subscribe to the YouTube channel to get regular updates regarding the same.


In the Jungle amidst Nature

I have been pondering about this for quite a while now, and perhaps I’ll take a step towards the positive direction.

Recently, on one of my travels to a distant and off beat place in the Himalayas, I discovered a beautiful cottage by the road-side which was abandoned, and nobody seemed to be around. The village itself is a very small one, with a population count on two digits. And then it stuck me; I have been wanting to go to the Himalayas and just stay there for an indefinite period of time and just…be there.

You know what I mean? Just do the stuff that I always have wanted to do. Be in the middle of nature, photograph, write, and just do nothing. I need to experience such “nothingness” for in this urban jungle, I have completely lost the sense of being alone. O lonely, I sure am, but being alone and all by yourself is an entirely different feeling altogether.

Below, I am sharing a few pictures from my recent travel, and just look at the kind of solitude that places like this provide. Rest assured, very soon, I shall be off to such a place up in the hills. Where, I don’t know, for I haven’t decided yet. I shall ofcourse let everyone know about my whereabouts through Facebook, Instagram & ofcourse this blog of mine. πŸ™‚


Nainital Uttarakhand


Sigri Uttarakhand


Sigri Jungle Trails


Pangot Nainital

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When the Clouds Touch you by…

Last couple of days were wonderful! I have always loved the mountains, and more so the Himalayas for I truly believe there’s where my “home” is. I got a chance to visit one of the most off beat places that the entire area perhaps has to offer; it’s a small village by the name ‘Sigri’ which is located about 20kms. past Nainital, and 6 kms. past Pangot (which is famous amidst bird-watchers).

I took a few pictures, and since I was carrying the SJ4000 (action-cam) with me, I made this small 25-30secs. time-lapse video of how the clouds literally touch you and pass by. It was so quiet, and so peaceful that all I wanted to do was just sit there at the top, and look at the clouds as they went by their business. It was really tranquil, one cannot describe in mere words; you need to go visit the place for yourself.

A travelogue will be up in a few days (I am shortlisting the pictures to be shared as we speak), and I shall try and share as much details as possible about the place, how to reach, and all the details that I possibly can. Till that happens, please enjoy this small video. It should give you an idea of what to expect from Sigri.

Traveling and Nature’s Nirvana

Traveling bug bit me again, and HARD this time. It had been MONTHS since I got out of Delhi, but this time I made sure I not only get out for good, but get some good photographs to compliment this long drawn travel-plan, too. READ ON: Nature’s Niravana – Chamba, Dhanaulti, Mussoorie Visited!

Chaukori – In the Lap of β€œMother”…

It was a long weekend, and I was onto doing what I LOVE doing most – Traveling and Photography! But, this time it was a little different. I was in search of an offbeat place, a place about which no-one really would have heard.

I got down to some real searching and brain-storming, after which I found out this small village called Chaukori in Uttarakhand, about 500kms. north-east of Delhi. What? Chaukori? Never heard of it? Fret not, it is not any town, and it is unlike any of the “regular” hill-stations. It is a very small village (or rather hamlet), with a population that you can count in your fingers.

For more detailed text and some accompanying photographs of Chaukori, read the full post HERE.

High Tea with the Queen – Ranikhet

Long weekends is what I always look out for. Infact, weekends is what I crave for – not because I can relax, sit back at home, or catch a movie or visit one of the million shopping malls sprawling on every nook and corner. But because, come weekend and I know where my next destination of travel would be!

This past long weekend (25th-26th and 27th December, 2009), I visited a new place – Ranikhet. It’s serene, it’s quiet and it was VERY chilly. A must-visit place for every traveler and explorer, alike. Read more to see the pictures and the accompanying text – High Tea With The Queen – Ranikhet