Tag Archives: professional

Wedding work Featured @ MyShaadi.in

Recently, a website on weddings (myShaadi.in) got in touch with me, as they wanted to feature my wedding work on their website. It was an absolute pleasure and an honor to see my wedding work being featured on their respective website. I am attaching a screen-shot below of the page where I have been listed. For more detailed look, please visit: MyShaadi.in || BobbyRoy Photography.

…all in the eyes of the beholder

Like they say, it is all in the eyes of the ‘beholder’. I have been to the Lodhi Gardens numerous times, not only because that place is beautiful and gives you such a nice reason to relax (we all need a “reason” to do everything these days), but also because it is a photographer’s paradise. There is so much to explore and photograph, that one evening is just not enough.

I have, in all these visits, photographed the tombs many-a-times, but each time I go back there, I somehow find a new meaning to the entire location. 🙂 These images which I have shared below, are taken during the same evening, just  minutes apart, of the same tomb; just chaging the PoV makes so much of a difference.

Exif: Canon EOS 5D coupled with a Canon EF 50mm f1.8 II Lens.

Explore. Photograph. Enjoy. Have a lovely weekend, people. Cheers.




Delhi Jazz Festival, 2013

The 3rd Delhi International Jazz Festival, organised by the Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR) featured 14 bands from 11 countries this year. The festival was held at Nehru Park, New Delhi from 15-18 March and is the largest ever jazz festival, with performances across four days. I was there to enjoy the music, and to create a few pictures. It was an amazing experience, attending this festival of music, 3rd consecutive year. 🙂 Here are some photographs from the fest.