Tag Archives: official

Ford Ecosport Photo-shoot Campaign

Ford Motors is about to launch it’s SUV, the Ecosport into the market, and they wanted it photographed in a professional way. And it was such an honor and pleasure to have worked for Ford on the Ecosport project. I love the simple yet powerful looks of the Ecosport, it is attractive and has some brilliant design iterations. I fell in love with the vehicle when I first saw it back at the Auto Expo, but in it’s final production avataar, it looks as sexy as ever.

It was an extensive shoot, photographing such a beautiful vehicle is not an easy job. One has to really know what he/ she is doing before even starting out with the shoot. Some extensive home-work, looking closely at the vehicle, and then finally taking that first exposure, and eventually completing the entire shoot was a process in itself. I got to really love Ford to have produced such a brute, masculine vehicle as the Ecosport. Here, I present 15 photographs of the Ecosport from the official photo-shoot. Have a look, and I hope these photographs give you enough idea about the sort of beauty the Ecosport is.
















Bobby Roy Photography || Getty Images Contributor

It’s a proud moment for me today, as Getty Images has invited me to be an images contributor for them. It is really a matter of honor and respect. Just incase  you didn’t know, Getty Images is one of the world’s biggest stock images company and is based in Seattle, Washington.

It is a supplier of stock images for business and consumers with an archive of 80 million still images and illustrations and more than 50,000 hours of stock film footage. It targets three markets—creative professionals (advertising and graphic design), the media (print and online publishing), and corporate (in-house design, marketing and communication departments).

Thank you, Getty for this huge honor. 🙂 I shall strive to do better!