Tag Archives: lonelyplanet

I Don’t Have Enough Money to Travel

I was recently discussing with a few of my friends about the number one thing that holds them back from traveling. You know what the universal answer was? You guessed it – “Money.”

This is something I hear from everyone I talk to about travel. “Man, I simply don’t have enough money to travel.” This problem and how to overcome it is probably something that we all have ponderer about.

I’ve had to answer this question in a plethora of messages or even a few Facebook messages that I have received in the recent past. e-mails, tweets, and Facebook posts. One of the questions on my recent discussion with a few people was about how someone who doesn’t work in travel can actually afford to travel.

Since this question comes up so often, I like to constantly remind people of this fact: You do not need to be rich to travel. Yes, that is correct. You do not need to be rich to travel. I sure am not rich. I have a freelance job and I am not really able to save much after an entire year. Yet I managed to save enough to travel to a lot of places in this country (India). How, you ask? You see, I made it a priority. If travel is not a priority for you, you will always find some other things to spend money on and you’ll never have “enough” money to travel. I never have enough money to go shopping or buy a new electronic gadgets or eat out because I spend my money on travel, so there isn’t much left over for non-priority expenses. Everything I do is focused on having more money for travel (and other things I love like movies, and other stuff)!

You need to decide, what is your savings priority? Is it travel? If it is travel, what is keeping you from saving money? What are you spending it on?
All you need to do really is cut on a few expenses and then saving money for your trip. Atleast that is how I save money for travel because I know, otherwise I won’t be able to travel at all.

So, the next time you feel like spending your hard earned money on something that you really ‘do not neccessarily need’, save it for travel and you’ll eventually see that you have enough money saved to travel to places you have always wanted to.

Make travel your priority and everything else will eventually fall into place, with just a little bit of an effort.

South India Diary – with Samsung Note 2
















I have travelled to some wonderful places all my life, but somehow South India was never quite on that list. But the past 5 days have changed all that.

In the past 5 days, I’ve visited places like Valparai, Munnar, Ooty and the beautiful country-sife of Kerala and Tamil Nadu.

Thanks to #Zoomcar, from whom I hired a self driven rented car and explored the South India. These images that you see above are with a Samsung Galaxy Note 2. I’ll be sharing the travelogue soon, but I’ve already started sharing a few pictures clicked by DSLR, on my page. So, if it interests you at all, please visit : Bobby Roy Photography || Facebook for more pictures.

I hope you enjoy looking at the pictures. 🙂

God’s Existence – the Belief

Wouldn’t you, for once, love for someone to simply show you the evidence for God’s existence? No arm-twisting. No statements of, “You just have to believe.”

But first consider this. When it comes to the possibility of God’s existence, they say there are people who have seen sufficient evidence, but they have suppressed the truth about God. On the other hand, for those who want to know God if he is there, he says, “You will seek me and find me; when you seek me with all your heart, I will be found by you.” Before you look at the facts surrounding God’s existence, ask yourself, If God does exist, would I want to know him?

If you are wondering why am I talking in such a philosophical manner today, it is only because earlier this evening I accompanied a friend of mine to ISCKON Temple, a really big and perhaps one of its kind temple dedicated to Lord Krishna. And as I entered the premises, I was overwhelmed to see the number of people who were there, everywhere – in long que, on the lawns just relaxing after paying their respects, priests all over and devotees seeking the blessings of lord Krishna.

It was just heart-warming and overwhelming for me to see the amount of devotion that these people have. It is very humid and the weather hasn’t been kind since the past few weeks, but that does not deter people from gathering in huge number everyday to pray.

For someone who doesn’t quite believe in God, I was awe-struck, and couldn’t believe the sheer number of devotees inside the temple premises in one single time, with a long que waiting for their chance to get inside the temple and pay their respects to lord Krishna.

As I snapped a few photographs with my mobile phone, I just kept wondering all this time – does He really exist? Is he really listening to the millions of people who come here to pray each year, and if He really is blessing each one of us. I would never know…

Sharing a few pictures here, of the ISCKON Temple, New Delhi.


ISCKON Temple, New Delhi


ISCKON temple, New Delhi


ISCKON temple, New Delhi


ISCKON temple, New Delhi

When the Clouds Touch you by…

Last couple of days were wonderful! I have always loved the mountains, and more so the Himalayas for I truly believe there’s where my “home” is. I got a chance to visit one of the most off beat places that the entire area perhaps has to offer; it’s a small village by the name ‘Sigri’ which is located about 20kms. past Nainital, and 6 kms. past Pangot (which is famous amidst bird-watchers).

I took a few pictures, and since I was carrying the SJ4000 (action-cam) with me, I made this small 25-30secs. time-lapse video of how the clouds literally touch you and pass by. It was so quiet, and so peaceful that all I wanted to do was just sit there at the top, and look at the clouds as they went by their business. It was really tranquil, one cannot describe in mere words; you need to go visit the place for yourself.

A travelogue will be up in a few days (I am shortlisting the pictures to be shared as we speak), and I shall try and share as much details as possible about the place, how to reach, and all the details that I possibly can. Till that happens, please enjoy this small video. It should give you an idea of what to expect from Sigri.