Tag Archives: India

I Don’t Have Enough Money to Travel

I was recently discussing with a few of my friends about the number one thing that holds them back from traveling. You know what the universal answer was? You guessed it – “Money.”

This is something I hear from everyone I talk to about travel. “Man, I simply don’t have enough money to travel.” This problem and how to overcome it is probably something that we all have ponderer about.

I’ve had to answer this question in a plethora of messages or even a few Facebook messages that I have received in the recent past. e-mails, tweets, and Facebook posts. One of the questions on my recent discussion with a few people was about how someone who doesn’t work in travel can actually afford to travel.

Since this question comes up so often, I like to constantly remind people of this fact: You do not need to be rich to travel. Yes, that is correct. You do not need to be rich to travel. I sure am not rich. I have a freelance job and I am not really able to save much after an entire year. Yet I managed to save enough to travel to a lot of places in this country (India). How, you ask? You see, I made it a priority. If travel is not a priority for you, you will always find some other things to spend money on and you’ll never have “enough” money to travel. I never have enough money to go shopping or buy a new electronic gadgets or eat out because I spend my money on travel, so there isn’t much left over for non-priority expenses. Everything I do is focused on having more money for travel (and other things I love like movies, and other stuff)!

You need to decide, what is your savings priority? Is it travel? If it is travel, what is keeping you from saving money? What are you spending it on?
All you need to do really is cut on a few expenses and then saving money for your trip. Atleast that is how I save money for travel because I know, otherwise I won’t be able to travel at all.

So, the next time you feel like spending your hard earned money on something that you really ‘do not neccessarily need’, save it for travel and you’ll eventually see that you have enough money saved to travel to places you have always wanted to.

Make travel your priority and everything else will eventually fall into place, with just a little bit of an effort.

Sattal – A Perfect Nature’s Retreat

Since the time I can remember, I have always been fond of travelling. And if I do not go out travelling even for a few days, or few weeks, I get that proverbial itch. I become restless, and I just know, it is time I left. Recently, I had just returned from my South India travel, which included places like Munnar (Kerala) & Valparai (Tamil Nadu). I enjoyed that trip thoroughly and I had no idea that once I am back, within 48 hours, I’d be travelling again and this, to the Himalayas!

So, when it was presented to me, I could not say no. Sattal it was, and since it had been years I last visited this beautiful quaint place, I jumped in.

Sattal is situated at a distance of 306 km from Delhi. Also known as ‘Sat-Tal’ because of seven interconnected fresh water lakes present in the region, Sattal is well connected to Delhi by road and train. However, the best way to reach Sattal from Delhi is by road, a journey of about 6 hours by car. The places covered during the journey from Delhi to Sattal are Delhi – Ghaziabad – Babugarh –  Gajraula – Moradabad  – Rampur –  Haldwani – Bhimtal – Sattal.

Most of the road is in really good condition except a 5-6 kms stretch just past Rampur which is filled with pot-holes, off-road, dust and what not. Else, everything else is just perfectly enjoyable. Now, once at Sattal, I drove straight to the KMVN Tourist Rest House as I knew that’d be the perfect place to stay. As luck would have it, I was their only guest as this was the off-season. For Rs.1650/- I got a decently big room with a view, and dinner & next day’s breakfast was complimentary to boot! What else could I had asked for?

I fell asleep in the room for a couple of hours as the entire night was on the road, and was a little tired since I hadn’t slept for the last 48 hours almost. Refreshed, I got out of the KMVN rest-house and explored the entire aSattal_4 Sattal_3 Sattal_2 Sattal_1 wpid-img_20150726_194926.jpg wpid-img_20150726_143640.jpg wpid-img_20150726_131628.jpg wpid-img_20150726_053314.jpg wpid-img_20150727_193500.jpg wpid-img_20150727_194051.jpg wpid-img_20150729_183820.jpg wpid-img_20150727_202153.jpg wpid-img_20150726_195346.jpgrea, had lunch by the lake-side at one of the numerous food-joints/ dhabas and went back to my room by the sunset. Since I had company of two more people who rested for a while more before they could get out themselves, the night was really filled with talks, fun and what not.

Overall, the trip was really enjoyable. Here are some pictures that I’m sharing. These are clicked with the Samsung Galaxy Note 2. So, please pardon the quality but it should give you all a fair share of idea about the place. If you’re looking for a quiet place to just relax, then Sattal should satisfy that need. Just remember to book a room in advance as during season, it would otherwise be impossible to find accommodation there. Also, it is worth mentioning that phone-network doesn’t work at Sattal. So, there.


Passion Won’t Make You Successful in Photography

If you’re relying only on being passionate for being successful in photography, then, I’m sorry to break that bubble but passion alone won’t keep you in business. It is the harsh truth, but there you have it.

I understand the fact that this will perhaps come as a big surprise to some because we are conditioned to hear the word ‘passion’ everywhere. It is highly spoken of at speeches and on television shows and what not, basically it is everywhere. It promptly shows up at the beginning when an idea is generally discussed; it is extremely exciting and very shiny as all new things are but passion is the first one to get out of the door and run away when it comes to tough times.

Yes, we need passion for it makes you feel alive, brimming with some sort of purpose in life. We love passion and more than that, we really do need it. You would agree that just hearing the word makes you feel happy & motivated.

But, like I’ve said a while back, it’s a very strange thing. It is extremely powerful to start with but at the first sight of problems, it is the first one to vanish. Essentially, that sparkle that I talked about in the beginning, that wears off pretty quickly. It just wants to show up, makes you really happy and then go away.

Passion is a temporary thing but that is perfectly fine, as that is how it is really supposed to be. It is more or a precursor to something better that’s to come. If I can put it bluntly, passion is the seed from which something known as “dedication” grows. And trust me when I say, dedication, that is the real deal.

Dedication makes you continue trudging on when times are hard. Or stay up late till night when your body is breaking down and crying for sleep. Dedication is exactly what pushes you towards making yourself a better photographer, a better business-person and perhaps a better person, overall.

So, to all my photographer friends, there’s just one thing I’d say – Embrace passion with both hands but please don’t expect it to stay forever. For, you must always remember, “Passion is what makes you pick up the camera, but dedication is what keeps it in your hands.”

Travel As Much As You Can

I have been travelling since I could basically remember. My first ever trip started when my father moved his base from the place I was born. Since he had a transferrable service (defense forces), we all had to keep moving from one city to another every 2 to 3 years. My parents never were avid travellers so to speak, but I feel privileged that it is because of them that I got the opportunity to travel so much, and it is only because of them that this bug bit me. And bit me so hard!

I totally believe that there are so many important aspects to travelling. I can understand that you might not be able to travel so far and so frequently as I do, given the regular jobs that most people have. But, whenever you get this chance, please embrace it with both arms. I’ve, over the last many years, felt that travelling impacts how a person’s entire character is developed. You are basically not enclosed inside that bubble of yours; rather, you get outside your comfort zone. Travelling is something you cannot learn about reading in a book.

When you travel, you discover. You discover new, beautiful, interesting places that make you want to come back and experience different cultures that you weren’t even aware of. I think it has always been a part of me, and I am absolutely determined to keep on travelling for the rest of my life. There is just so much to see. So much to explore; but so little time.

Travel as much as you can throughout your entire life, for travelling will broaden your horizon, it will make you realize a lot of things in life. And remember, it does not need to be an expensive out of the country trip. A simple road-trip will be just as liberating, trust me. After all, you only live once.

P.S: I am off to another travel adventure day-after, and this time I’m exploring the South India. Starting from Bangalore, I’ll be renting a self-driven car, and exploring some wonderful places like Ooty, Munnar, Valparai and the likes and shall bring back a lot of memories in the shape of photographs and ofcourse these travel blog entries. 🙂 So excited! Cannot wait for the trip to start.

Inside Hauz Khas Fort, New Delhi

Source: Wikipedia

Hauz Khas Complex (Hindi: हौज़ ख़ास, Punjabi: ਹੌਜ਼ ਖ਼ਾਸ, Urdu: حوض خاص‎) in Hauz Khas, South Delhi houses a water tank, an Islamic seminary, a mosque, a tomb and pavilions built around an urbanized village with medieval history traced to the 13th century of Delhi Sultanate reign. It was part of Siri, the second medieval city of India of the Delhi Sultanate of Allauddin Khilji Dynasty (1296–1316). The etymology of the name Hauz Khas in Farsi is derived from the words ‘Hauz’: “water tank” (or lake) and ‘Khas’:“royal”- the “Royal tank”. The large water tank or reservoir was first built by Khilji {the plaque displayed (pictured in the gallery) at the site records this fact} to supply water to the inhabitants of Siri.The tank was de–silted during the reign of Firuz Shah Tughlaq (1351–88). Several buildings (Mosque and madrasa) and tombs were built overlooking the water tank or lake. Firuz Shah’s tomb pivots the L–shaped building complex which overlooks the tank.

In the 1980s, Hauz Khas Village, studded with domed tombs of Muslim royalty from the 14th to 16th centuries, was developed as an upper class residential cum commercial area in the metropolis of South Delhi, India. It is now a relatively expensive tourist cum commercial area with numerous art galleries, upscale boutiques and restaurant. Swans and ducks are among the attractions at Hauz Khas Lake – which is part of the attraction to visitors.




Connaught on an Monsoon Evening

It is not often that it rains so much in Delhi, the capital of this beautiful country, India.

But this year’s monsoon thus far has been a majestic one with non-stop rains for the past 48 hours almost and boy, I’m not complaining. I’ve been feeling happy, and content within and trust me when I say, the weather has got a huge role to play. You see, most people love sunshine, summers, etc. Not that I loathe them myself but there is something really magical, something majestic about the monsoons which just takes my breath away in an instant.

And then there is photography. I love how the rains provide us with some amazing chance to photograph everything around us. You don’t need a hefty DSLR to always get the shot. A mere cell-phone these days is capable of creating some amazing pictures.

I hope this spell continues for a few more days, for India is predominantly a country where summer rules the roost, so to speak. So, monsoons, you’re more than welcome to stay as long as you like, love. 🙂


Connaught Place on an monsoon evening- by Bobby Roy


New Delhi monsoon - by Bobby Roy


Hauz Khas on an monsoon evening - by Bobby Roy


Droplets - by Bobby Roy


Monsoon reflections - by Bobby Roy

God’s Existence – the Belief

Wouldn’t you, for once, love for someone to simply show you the evidence for God’s existence? No arm-twisting. No statements of, “You just have to believe.”

But first consider this. When it comes to the possibility of God’s existence, they say there are people who have seen sufficient evidence, but they have suppressed the truth about God. On the other hand, for those who want to know God if he is there, he says, “You will seek me and find me; when you seek me with all your heart, I will be found by you.” Before you look at the facts surrounding God’s existence, ask yourself, If God does exist, would I want to know him?

If you are wondering why am I talking in such a philosophical manner today, it is only because earlier this evening I accompanied a friend of mine to ISCKON Temple, a really big and perhaps one of its kind temple dedicated to Lord Krishna. And as I entered the premises, I was overwhelmed to see the number of people who were there, everywhere – in long que, on the lawns just relaxing after paying their respects, priests all over and devotees seeking the blessings of lord Krishna.

It was just heart-warming and overwhelming for me to see the amount of devotion that these people have. It is very humid and the weather hasn’t been kind since the past few weeks, but that does not deter people from gathering in huge number everyday to pray.

For someone who doesn’t quite believe in God, I was awe-struck, and couldn’t believe the sheer number of devotees inside the temple premises in one single time, with a long que waiting for their chance to get inside the temple and pay their respects to lord Krishna.

As I snapped a few photographs with my mobile phone, I just kept wondering all this time – does He really exist? Is he really listening to the millions of people who come here to pray each year, and if He really is blessing each one of us. I would never know…

Sharing a few pictures here, of the ISCKON Temple, New Delhi.


ISCKON Temple, New Delhi


ISCKON temple, New Delhi


ISCKON temple, New Delhi


ISCKON temple, New Delhi

In the Jungle amidst Nature

I have been pondering about this for quite a while now, and perhaps I’ll take a step towards the positive direction.

Recently, on one of my travels to a distant and off beat place in the Himalayas, I discovered a beautiful cottage by the road-side which was abandoned, and nobody seemed to be around. The village itself is a very small one, with a population count on two digits. And then it stuck me; I have been wanting to go to the Himalayas and just stay there for an indefinite period of time and just…be there.

You know what I mean? Just do the stuff that I always have wanted to do. Be in the middle of nature, photograph, write, and just do nothing. I need to experience such “nothingness” for in this urban jungle, I have completely lost the sense of being alone. O lonely, I sure am, but being alone and all by yourself is an entirely different feeling altogether.

Below, I am sharing a few pictures from my recent travel, and just look at the kind of solitude that places like this provide. Rest assured, very soon, I shall be off to such a place up in the hills. Where, I don’t know, for I haven’t decided yet. I shall ofcourse let everyone know about my whereabouts through Facebook, Instagram & ofcourse this blog of mine. 🙂


Nainital Uttarakhand


Sigri Uttarakhand


Sigri Jungle Trails


Pangot Nainital

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Camera Porn

I know, the title seems a little too cheap for anybody’s liking perhaps but this is what it is. There are a certain things in life which you are really passionate about. Travelling, photography & writing happen to be those 3 things for me.

It is like a drug, which once you get addicted to, there’s just no getting back to your old self. You can leave it and move on in life but you’d never be the same person you once where. I have, over a period of almost a decade worked my way up the ladder one stair at a time. I have been ecstated, devasted, depressed, happy (very happy at times) and even had suicidal tendencies on occassions.

But what I did not do was give up! Because, I knew photography is where my heart lay and if I gave up after coming so far, it’d not only be a loss for me but would mean I had given up on life itself. Yes, it hasn’t been an easy journey at all but that is precisely where the fun and challenge lies. I can proudly say, photography does give me a high. Everytime I go out to shoot, irrespective of whether it is a client assignment or a personal project that I am working for, I feel that excitement within, my heart starts to beat fast, I start to think differently and I guess I act differently too. After all, if there’s one thing which I am really crazy passionate about, it HAS to be this. There is no other thing that I can think of, really.

Oh and just so that the post-title makes sense, here’s some dope. 😉 Incase, you guys would like to follow me on other social networking websites, the links are mentioned below:

Facebook: Bobby Roy Profile || Facebook

Facebook Business Page: Bobby Roy Photography || Business Page

Instagram: Bobby Roy

Flickr: Bobby Roy

500PX: http://500px.com/bobbyroy

Twitter handle: @TheCanonFanboy


Canon in the Wild!


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Why I Love Travelling…

I am a photographer by profession and an explorer by heart & passion. I have loved travel for as long as I can remember. My parents instilled it in me without even really trying for it. Since, my father was in the defense forces, it meant constant shifting from one state to other in a span of 3 odd years or so. I am thankful to the transferable service that my father had, I could proudly boast of seeing sights that many of us do not even get to imagine.

But, if I seriously think about it, I think the proverbial travel bug bit me when I was in high-school. It was a school trip, and I cannot even begin to say the kind of fun I had in the trip, and the kind of high that it gave me. Was I in love with the places that I travel to? O absolutely! But more so, I am in love with the entire of experience of travelling itself. I just cannot get enough of it. I want to see as much as I possibly can in this one life that I have been given by the Almighty. This is, I think how true love feels. This is the kind of love that absolutely consumes you, that pains you to be away from. That kind of love that lasts for an eternity.

Since the first journey that I took, I have been just hooked onto it. And from there it has just grown. I have travelled to many different places, and in many different ways – I’ve taken buses, I have taken trains, air travel as well. And I have trekked to places where automobiles could not reach. I think, in this entire process, I have also discovered my preferences as far as travelling is concerned, since I have travelled solo (mostly), in a group, and even with family. But, what I love the most is travelling independently & solo. And to places that are rich in culture. Yes, my heart is completely biased when it comes to the Himalays, but I take pleasure in visiting other places as well.

As much as I can, I make it my priority to travel & see different places and experience different cultures & traditions. It not only makes me happy but I also feel it fulfills me in a different level altogether. Each of my travels has changed me, for good. It has not only shown me a lot of different landscapes, made me meet a lot of new people, but it has also taught me to be patient, to be calm & ofcourse how to actually enjoy my own company. Some-day, I would love to travel full-time, but for now the arrangement which I have works perfectly for me.

Like everything, I enjoy sharing my travel experiences with my friends & family and I hope through my stories, you would also motivate and inspire your own self to go out, discover places which are waiting to be discovered…

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