Tag Archives: India

2016 Kawasaki Njnja ZX-10R || Superbike Feature

This week’s video is a short 2-minute feature of one of the most iconic motorcycles to have graced this planet, the Kawasaki ‪#‎Ninja‬ 10R, and in it’s 2016 avatar, it is more powerful and agile than ever. Thanks to the awesome ‪ Shiv Raj Singh‬ that I got to film this short 2-minute feature on him and about his new green devil.

Please Like,Share & Subscribe to the channel for more weekly (Monday) updates.

‪#‎Youtube‬ ‪#‎Kawasaki‬ ‪#‎10R‬ ‪#‎feature‬ ‪#‎Delhidiaries‬




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Harshit & Juhi || Pre-wedding shoot

Harshit & Juhi are two wonderful people who are to get married very soon. I was fortunate enough to be chosen their photographer for the pre-wedding shoot which was done recently. It was fun, and the pictures have come out real nice. The couple absolutely LOVED these photographs, and I hope you all like these two. These are about 15 photographs from a set of 30+ pictures that I am sharing. Please do like, share & comment if you find these interesting.

For more of me & my body of work/ updates, please find me on the following social links:
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Harshit & Juhi || Pre-wedding shoot

Harshit & Juhi || Pre-wedding shoot

Harshit & Juhi || Pre-wedding shoot

Harshit & Juhi || Pre-wedding shoot

Harshit & Juhi || Pre-wedding shoot

Harshit & Juhi || Pre-wedding shoot

Harshit & Juhi || Pre-wedding shoot

Harshit & Juhi || Pre-wedding shoot

Harshit & Juhi || Pre-wedding shoot

Harshit & Juhi || Pre-wedding shoot

Harshit & Juhi || Pre-wedding shoot

Harshit & Juhi || Pre-wedding shoot

Harshit & Juhi || Pre-wedding shoot

Harshit & Juhi || Pre-wedding shoot

Harshit & Juhi || Pre-wedding shoot

Harshit & Juhi || Pre-wedding shoot

A Houseboat in Kashmir

I was in Kashmir a week or so back for a travel assignment. And I got to stay at an amazing house-boat there. Here is a short walk-through of that houseboat where I show the houseboat from the outside, and also show you the different rooms as well as the gorgeous Nagin lake just outside the boat. Do like, share & subscribe to my channel if you’d like to see regular weekly updates.

For more of me & my body of work/ updates, please find me on the following social links:
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24 Hours in the City of Joy – Kolkata

Today is Monday, and I just realized that this Kolkata video does not exist on my channel! Hence, I am re-sharing this 2 minute travel video on Kolkata, but this time it is up on my ‪#‎YouTube‬ channel. Please do Like, Share & Subscribe to my channel for interesting weekly (Monday) updates. smile emoticon Some awesome videos coming up in the coming weeks!

For more of me & my body of work/ updates, please find me on the following social links:
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India Gate at first light

Unlike many, I am a morning person. I never had any problems getting up in the morning just so I could catch the first light of the day, for light like that and pictures like this one you see below can only be created during the ‘Golden Hours’.

India Gate at dawn


For more of me & my body of work/ updates, please find me on the following social links:
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#LifeofAPhotographer – a short insight (vlog) into my professional life…


#LifeofAPhotographer – As a part of this week’s video, I wanted to share a little glimpse of my life as a working full-time photographer. It is the general perception of public at large that all a photographer does is “click a button” apart from travelling to exotic locations, staying in 5-star properties, and just generally having fun. Well, ofcourse that is ALSO a part & parcel of such an amazing “job”, if I will. But, as you’d probably watch in this video, it is much more than just that. It is about travelling during odd hours, sleeping late nights (or in my case not sleeping at all!) and rushing back to the home-city for another shoot and client meet.

Do “Subscribe” to my YouTube channel for weekly updates, if you like the video or like what you see in my channel. 🙂

Mukteshwar, Nainital – a short Himalayan travel video story

It’s been a week that I have started a new YouTube channel where I would be sharing weekly videos about travel, photography, automotive, and even a little bit of my daily life in the form of vlogs.

This week, I am sharing a small 3 minute video from a beautiful place in the Himalayas that I travelled to – Mukteshwar. I hope you guys like the video, and please do Subscribe to the YouTube channel to get regular updates regarding the same.


What’s in my Camera Bag?

I have been getting a lot of such requests regularly, where I am asked to speak about what equipment do I use for photography, or rather, what’s inside my camera bag.

And since I have just started a new YouTube channel, I thought it’d be apt to film this and share with everyone. So, here’s the first video on the channel which talks about, what’s in my camera bag.

Please Like, Comment & Subscribe to my YouTube channel to get regular updates.

Kolkata – the City of Joy

Kolkata is a city which brings varied emotions out of you, and as a photographer, it was an honor to walk through the amazing streets of the beautiful city and capture a few frames which I’d, perhaps, remember till the next time I go visit that wonderful city yet again! Here are a few photographs straight from the City of Joy…



Kolkata - the City of Joy

Kolkata – the City of Joy

Kolkata - the City of Joy

Kolkata – the City of Joy



24 hours in Kolkata…

Kolkata is an amazing city. It is a city filled with a rich culture, and such rich history that it is almost impossible to experience the city in its entirety in just 24 odd hours.

Well, I was in Kolkata recently for a photo-assignment, and took some time out to film this. I hope you all enjoy looking at this 2-minute tribute to this ‘City of Joy’.