Tag Archives: gardens

Into the Evening…

Finding peace is not an easy task, no-matter how easy it might sound to you. On such a busy day, I made it a point to take an hour out in the evening, just to be with myself. Yes, I do love to be all alone; it does feel a little too alone at times, but then again, it is something which I choose for myself, and not forced upon. Moreover, if I have my beloved camera with me, I hardly feel the need to interact, talk, chat-up with anyone else. Having some great friends around is always a plus-point, but even if I am alone with my camera, I have found peace and solace.

Photograph things, daily things, things which you see on a daily basis but perhaps never took time to really “see” and appreciate is what I like to do, apart from writing about it, ofcourse. After all, I started writing long before I even thought about how interested photography is. So, you see, writing is and shall always be something that I give just a tad preference over photography, I believe. Anyhow, not boring you guys to death anymore; sharing a few pictures from last evening. These are not really technically superior or award-winning images which are ready to go to National Geographic or anything; just a few images created after dark while taking a nice , and more importantly a quiet stroll. Just being with myself, and enjoying  the time. 🙂


Loneliness is perhaps a blessing, at times, and at others it is pure punishment…


The dome of a old architecture contrasts beautifully with the blue sky just after sunset.


A black & white of the complex of Lodhi Gardens…



Blue skies and the lit historical beauty at Lodhi Gardens, New Delhi.

…all in the eyes of the beholder

Like they say, it is all in the eyes of the ‘beholder’. I have been to the Lodhi Gardens numerous times, not only because that place is beautiful and gives you such a nice reason to relax (we all need a “reason” to do everything these days), but also because it is a photographer’s paradise. There is so much to explore and photograph, that one evening is just not enough.

I have, in all these visits, photographed the tombs many-a-times, but each time I go back there, I somehow find a new meaning to the entire location. 🙂 These images which I have shared below, are taken during the same evening, just  minutes apart, of the same tomb; just chaging the PoV makes so much of a difference.

Exif: Canon EOS 5D coupled with a Canon EF 50mm f1.8 II Lens.

Explore. Photograph. Enjoy. Have a lovely weekend, people. Cheers.