Tag Archives: camera

What’s in my Camera Bag?

I have been getting a lot of such requests regularly, where I am asked to speak about what equipment do I use for photography, or rather, what’s inside my camera bag.

And since I have just started a new YouTube channel, I thought it’d be apt to film this and share with everyone. So, here’s the first video on the channel which talks about, what’s in my camera bag.

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Photography – Addiction or Obsession

My name is Bobby Roy and I am a photographer by profession. I do it for a living, day in and day out, on my off days, during holidays, and almost everything else; basically I do it all the time. I do it so much that sometimes I start wondering whether I do take any day off; whether I shoot professionally for a client or I am working on a personal projects, the camera rarely leaves my hands. Should it be added to the list of things to seriously consider as an addiction? Or is it simply just the pure unadulterated happiness that I derive from this art-form? I wonder…

You see, it is so easy to get overwhelmed when you are running such a business and dealing with personal life, some family obligations, etc. at the same time. If you want, you’d always have some or the other excuse to not do a particular job or pursue a particular hobby that you generally love; and the reasons which you give to yourself or to others will almost always seem legitimate to you. However, ever since I got myself into photography, I always made it a point to make photography my top-most priority in life, and eventually I automatically, some-how seemed to find time for it on a daily basis. I not only love shooting, I also enjoy writing about photography, my projects, and everything in between. It is a part of the entire package and I absolutely adore what I do for a living. Yes, there are days when you’re down or do not seem to draw inspiration or motivation, no matter what you do but that’s a part and parcel of any artistic endeavor that you take on.

Although, I specialize in automotive, weddings and travel photography, I feel nothing is the limit when it comes to pursuing projects on a personal level – one can shoot anything from still life, lifestyle, street to macro and colors & abstracts when it comes to personal projects. The world around us is a beautiful place and as much as possible, I would want to frame it all within my lens. I feel the camera is like an extension of my eye, of what I see. Otherwise, how can one explain the fact that I cannot go one day without holding the camera in my hand and creating pictures, even if that be 1 picture a day.

If you think it is a good thing, it isn’t, really. You see, apart from me, nobody else in my family really takes to photography like I do. The rest of my family has little or no interest in photography. Ofcourse, they try & support me in what I do but they don’t necessarily share the amount of passion (or shall I call it obsession!) that I have, and quite understandably so. I have seen them looking at me with a blank face when I get excited about a particular frame infront of me, or I would see the brilliant light outside and get super-excited, and run out with the camera. If you’re wondering whether I leave my camera ever, then, well…not really. I mean I do take my camera with me almost everywhere I go, but there are occasions I do not really take it out, just so to enjoy the moment.

You see, photography as a hobby can get quite lonely or even shooting professionally can get lonely at times, and I, as a person enjoy that solitude. But there is a greater love & satisfaction to be had with sharing that knowledge with people around you; people who love photography as much as you do. People who share (almost) the same amount of passion that you have for this art-form. Perhaps, people who are as addicted to photography as you are.

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Camera Porn

I know, the title seems a little too cheap for anybody’s liking perhaps but this is what it is. There are a certain things in life which you are really passionate about. Travelling, photography & writing happen to be those 3 things for me.

It is like a drug, which once you get addicted to, there’s just no getting back to your old self. You can leave it and move on in life but you’d never be the same person you once where. I have, over a period of almost a decade worked my way up the ladder one stair at a time. I have been ecstated, devasted, depressed, happy (very happy at times) and even had suicidal tendencies on occassions.

But what I did not do was give up! Because, I knew photography is where my heart lay and if I gave up after coming so far, it’d not only be a loss for me but would mean I had given up on life itself. Yes, it hasn’t been an easy journey at all but that is precisely where the fun and challenge lies. I can proudly say, photography does give me a high. Everytime I go out to shoot, irrespective of whether it is a client assignment or a personal project that I am working for, I feel that excitement within, my heart starts to beat fast, I start to think differently and I guess I act differently too. After all, if there’s one thing which I am really crazy passionate about, it HAS to be this. There is no other thing that I can think of, really.

Oh and just so that the post-title makes sense, here’s some dope. 😉 Incase, you guys would like to follow me on other social networking websites, the links are mentioned below:

Facebook: Bobby Roy Profile || Facebook

Facebook Business Page: Bobby Roy Photography || Business Page

Instagram: Bobby Roy

Flickr: Bobby Roy

500PX: http://500px.com/bobbyroy

Twitter handle: @TheCanonFanboy


Canon in the Wild!


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