Tag Archives: bobbyroy

God’s Existence – the Belief

Wouldn’t you, for once, love for someone to simply show you the evidence for God’s existence? No arm-twisting. No statements of, “You just have to believe.”

But first consider this. When it comes to the possibility of God’s existence, they say there are people who have seen sufficient evidence, but they have suppressed the truth about God. On the other hand, for those who want to know God if he is there, he says, “You will seek me and find me; when you seek me with all your heart, I will be found by you.” Before you look at the facts surrounding God’s existence, ask yourself, If God does exist, would I want to know him?

If you are wondering why am I talking in such a philosophical manner today, it is only because earlier this evening I accompanied a friend of mine to ISCKON Temple, a really big and perhaps one of its kind temple dedicated to Lord Krishna. And as I entered the premises, I was overwhelmed to see the number of people who were there, everywhere – in long que, on the lawns just relaxing after paying their respects, priests all over and devotees seeking the blessings of lord Krishna.

It was just heart-warming and overwhelming for me to see the amount of devotion that these people have. It is very humid and the weather hasn’t been kind since the past few weeks, but that does not deter people from gathering in huge number everyday to pray.

For someone who doesn’t quite believe in God, I was awe-struck, and couldn’t believe the sheer number of devotees inside the temple premises in one single time, with a long que waiting for their chance to get inside the temple and pay their respects to lord Krishna.

As I snapped a few photographs with my mobile phone, I just kept wondering all this time – does He really exist? Is he really listening to the millions of people who come here to pray each year, and if He really is blessing each one of us. I would never know…

Sharing a few pictures here, of the ISCKON Temple, New Delhi.


ISCKON Temple, New Delhi


ISCKON temple, New Delhi


ISCKON temple, New Delhi


ISCKON temple, New Delhi

Camera Porn

I know, the title seems a little too cheap for anybody’s liking perhaps but this is what it is. There are a certain things in life which you are really passionate about. Travelling, photography & writing happen to be those 3 things for me.

It is like a drug, which once you get addicted to, there’s just no getting back to your old self. You can leave it and move on in life but you’d never be the same person you once where. I have, over a period of almost a decade worked my way up the ladder one stair at a time. I have been ecstated, devasted, depressed, happy (very happy at times) and even had suicidal tendencies on occassions.

But what I did not do was give up! Because, I knew photography is where my heart lay and if I gave up after coming so far, it’d not only be a loss for me but would mean I had given up on life itself. Yes, it hasn’t been an easy journey at all but that is precisely where the fun and challenge lies. I can proudly say, photography does give me a high. Everytime I go out to shoot, irrespective of whether it is a client assignment or a personal project that I am working for, I feel that excitement within, my heart starts to beat fast, I start to think differently and I guess I act differently too. After all, if there’s one thing which I am really crazy passionate about, it HAS to be this. There is no other thing that I can think of, really.

Oh and just so that the post-title makes sense, here’s some dope. 😉 Incase, you guys would like to follow me on other social networking websites, the links are mentioned below:

Facebook: Bobby Roy Profile || Facebook

Facebook Business Page: Bobby Roy Photography || Business Page

Instagram: Bobby Roy

Flickr: Bobby Roy

500PX: http://500px.com/bobbyroy

Twitter handle: @TheCanonFanboy


Canon in the Wild!


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When the Clouds Touch you by…

Last couple of days were wonderful! I have always loved the mountains, and more so the Himalayas for I truly believe there’s where my “home” is. I got a chance to visit one of the most off beat places that the entire area perhaps has to offer; it’s a small village by the name ‘Sigri’ which is located about 20kms. past Nainital, and 6 kms. past Pangot (which is famous amidst bird-watchers).

I took a few pictures, and since I was carrying the SJ4000 (action-cam) with me, I made this small 25-30secs. time-lapse video of how the clouds literally touch you and pass by. It was so quiet, and so peaceful that all I wanted to do was just sit there at the top, and look at the clouds as they went by their business. It was really tranquil, one cannot describe in mere words; you need to go visit the place for yourself.

A travelogue will be up in a few days (I am shortlisting the pictures to be shared as we speak), and I shall try and share as much details as possible about the place, how to reach, and all the details that I possibly can. Till that happens, please enjoy this small video. It should give you an idea of what to expect from Sigri.

Kata KT DR-466 DL Camera Bag Review

What, according to you, is a perfect camera bag? A bag large enough to carry all the equipment this world has to offer? A bag slim enough to not really get noticed and perhaps carry one camera body and a prime lens attached to it, for easy access and picture taking? Or perhaps a sling back which looks stylish and performs just as well? When I started my market research for that “perfect” camera back-pack, I had my requirements crystal clear: Since I already had a large back in the shape of the Lowepro 350AW to carry most of my equipment with me, if there is any need for it, I wanted a much smaller back-pack, which would easily hold a couple of camera bodies with 2-3 additional lenses (prime/ small zooms), a Speedlite, remotes, filters, memory carsds, and if possible, my 15-inch laptop/ Apple iPad.




I was really impressed with the range of products that Kata manufacturers and since I’ve heard only good things about the company, I decided to give it a try. And they seem to have just such a backpack which fit my needs perfectly; the Kata DR-466-DL. It is a really compact (for a camera bag), sleek, stylish, spacious bag which satisfies all my needs perfectly. And after travelling with the bag for over a week out of town, and on a photo-assignment, I am satisfied that I made the right choice. Now, I will not really delve into the technical side of it, as to how much it weighs, or how much it sized at, but I’d love to give you an actual hands-on experience of the beautiful bag.

Size-wise, it is similar to a normal laptop backpack, and weights in a LOT lighter than my Lowepro 350AW. Weight is one of my major concerns, when I was looking out for a camera backpack, since I usually need to carry my backpack on my back/ shoulder for quite some-time while I am shooting, and the 350AW just didn’t let me do it, without hurting my back only after 30 minutes of constant carrying. But, with the DR-466 on my back, I hardly noticed it being there; this thing is just so light!  It is really easy to carry and store as well, because of its compactness.

But, please don’t think that if a bag is compact and light, it is not spacious or durable. The KT-266DL is both spacious and durable too! As you can see from the pictures below, there is a main camera carrying compartment at the lowest area of the bag which is big enough to carry two camera bodies of moderate size, and three prime lenses/ one zoom, two prime setup. In the picture below, the compartment easily fits a 5D Classic, 50mm, 85mm, and a 35mm lens along with a 400D body which is not clearly visible in the picture. It also fits in a 7D and a 24-70 2.8L lens comfortably, if I remove one prime lens from the setup. Yes, I probably cannot carry a 70-200 2.8 along with all that, but then again, for carrying my much heavier equipment, I have the 350 AW (Lowepro). This bag is solely meant to carry limited equipment, and travel light and comfortably.





Next, the two small pockets on the middle of the bag can be used to store anything, from remote flash releases to your business cards, to a note, pen, etc. while the top two compartments are big enough to hold a wallet, your cell phone, and other accessories. There is then the laptop compartment which easily fits my HCL 15-inch laptop, along with my iPad, as well as a host of filters, a Speedlite and other nitty-gritties. What has impressed me more than the space is the fact that the weight is distributed so evenly on the shoulders even after filling the bag to the brim, that I can hardly feel a thing! I am impressed!

Quality wise, there is absolutely nothing to complain. It is made of solid stuff, the zips are of high quality, and what’s more, it also comes with a all-weather cover built in right inside the bag. So, you don’t really need to take care of the cover or be apprehensive about losing it.

It’s been about 2 weeks that I have been regularly using the Kata bag, and I have only been completely satisfied. I, now use the Lowepro 350AW to store the equipment in my home and use the Kata completely, to carry my equipment on shoots. Priced at just over Rs.7,000/- (New Delhi), it is pretty steeply priced, but then again, like they say, “Quality hardly comes cheap, if ever…”





Note: Thanks to Writex India  and its Product Manager, Mr.Jasmeet Chopra who personally helped me making a decision on the kind of bag that best suited me. It is their dedicated team of professionals, who really helped me in showing different bag models from manufacturers like Kata, Manfrott, National Geographic, etc. and helped me making a wise decision. Thanks, Writex! 🙂

The brilliant Honda Goldwing Review!

Honda Goldwing Review and photo-shoot

Honda Goldwing Review and photo-shoot

Just completed a photo-shoot and review of the wonderful Honda Goldwing. To read through the entire article, and to look at the photographs of the machine, please read on: A Rolls Royce on 2-wheels || Honda Goldwing.

Ford Ecosport Photo-shoot Campaign

Ford Motors is about to launch it’s SUV, the Ecosport into the market, and they wanted it photographed in a professional way. And it was such an honor and pleasure to have worked for Ford on the Ecosport project. I love the simple yet powerful looks of the Ecosport, it is attractive and has some brilliant design iterations. I fell in love with the vehicle when I first saw it back at the Auto Expo, but in it’s final production avataar, it looks as sexy as ever.

It was an extensive shoot, photographing such a beautiful vehicle is not an easy job. One has to really know what he/ she is doing before even starting out with the shoot. Some extensive home-work, looking closely at the vehicle, and then finally taking that first exposure, and eventually completing the entire shoot was a process in itself. I got to really love Ford to have produced such a brute, masculine vehicle as the Ecosport. Here, I present 15 photographs of the Ecosport from the official photo-shoot. Have a look, and I hope these photographs give you enough idea about the sort of beauty the Ecosport is.
















I Miss You, Mom

I’ve been in Goa, for an assignment for Ford India (photographing their upcoming SUV, the Ecosport). The days have been extremely busy,  but one evening post pack-up, I witnessed a wonderful sunset on one of the beaches in Goa and photographed it as well. And during those moments, I missed my mom even more; I so wished she was around me, around the entire family to support me, to love me, to take care of me and to probably see me work and hopefully be proud of me.

I hope she’d be watching from the heavens, and I really hope her blessings are with me. Happy Mother’s Day, mummy. I miss you, terribly…


Bobby Roy Photography || Getty Images Contributor

It’s a proud moment for me today, as Getty Images has invited me to be an images contributor for them. It is really a matter of honor and respect. Just incase  you didn’t know, Getty Images is one of the world’s biggest stock images company and is based in Seattle, Washington.

It is a supplier of stock images for business and consumers with an archive of 80 million still images and illustrations and more than 50,000 hours of stock film footage. It targets three markets—creative professionals (advertising and graphic design), the media (print and online publishing), and corporate (in-house design, marketing and communication departments).

Thank you, Getty for this huge honor. 🙂 I shall strive to do better!

Honored by Orgy Entertainment – Just gave a Photography Talk at PSK Auditorium, New Delhi

It was another proud moment for me, as I gave a photography talk on “automotive photography” and general “photography as a career”, for a photography festival held by the wonderful people at Orgy Entertainment. This was a long photography festival which went on for almost 2 months, and concluded with this wonderful seminar at the PSK Auditorium at Preet Vihar, New Delhi, today.

I love interacting with people, enthusiasts who are really interested in Photography, and it was but natural that I spoke to them about what automotive photography is all about and how photography as a career has changed my life, and my outlook towards life too. It was, overall a wonderful experience to see so many enthusiastic souls attending this wonderful seminar and photography talk. Here is a photo of me holding the momento which Orgy Entertainment honored me with after the seminar.


Bobby Roy holding the momento presented after the photography seminar by Orgy Entertainment.


Close-up of the text in the Certificate.