Tag Archives: automotive

Something New & Exciting on the Anvil…

Alright, so this has been in the pipeline for quite a while now – a brand new YouTube channel of mine where you can find loads of content related to photography, travel, automotive, tech stuff, daily vlogs and more.  I’d appreciate if each one of you could take some time out, go to the following link and just ‘Subscribe’. The 1st video shall be out this weekend, and will be related to photography. Would highly appreciate all the support that I can get as I am starting out something that I have been wanting to do for a long long time now….

Bobby Roy – Photography, Tech Stuff, Travel, Automotive & more || YouTube

A day with Ferrari 458 Italia

Being a photographer, and a specialist in automotive photography at that has its perks. Like days when you get to spend the better part of the day with supercars. And when it comes to these uber-sexy machines, what better than the beautiful prancing horse – Ferrari!

Got to spend a day with the beautiful Ferrari 458 Italia, courtesy a corporate client and enjoyed it to the core. Sharing a few pictures clicked with the Samsung Galaxy Note 2. The proper shoot pictures will follow suit, hopefully soon. 🙂


Ferrari 458 Italia by Bobby Roy


Ferrari 458 Italia by Bobby Roy


Ferrari 458 Italia by Bobby Roy

The brilliant Honda Goldwing Review!

Honda Goldwing Review and photo-shoot

Honda Goldwing Review and photo-shoot

Just completed a photo-shoot and review of the wonderful Honda Goldwing. To read through the entire article, and to look at the photographs of the machine, please read on: A Rolls Royce on 2-wheels || Honda Goldwing.

Photo-shoot of Miniature Liquor Bottles for Client

Today was a very busy and hectic day. I had a photo-shoot of some miniature liquor bottles, that I was commissioned to shoot for a client. It was a very challenging task ofcourse, not only because these are miniature bottles and it is tough to actually photograph these, but also because they are made of glass no-less!

But, at the end of a 6-7 hour photo-shoot, all is worth it after the client likes the pictures. I love such challenging photo-shoots, and especially when it is for professional purposes. I am sharing below a few photographs from the photo-shoot, and I have also included a photograph of the actual size of the miniature bottles just to give you all an idea of the actual size of these liquor bottles. These are beautiful to look at and wonderful to photograph.

P.S: Drinking / Smoking is injurious to health, and I, in no way support this. I do not drink/ smoke.









Deepak weds Neetu

This was another wedding that I covered recently, as a candid photographer. Working discretely to get the shots that I want is something that I absolutely enjoy; and when you enjoy your work & your assignments, it doesn’t seem like work anymore. Weddings are really fun to shoot, they are hectic and a lot of running around is involved, yes, but once you get the shots that you had visualized, it’s all so worth it.

If you would want me to cover your wedding, just give me a call at: +91-9811961814 or shoot an email with your requirements to: BobbyRoyPhotography@gmail.com / OnlyBobby123@gmail.com . I am available to travel all across the country for weddings, and even other photographic assignments.

















Honored by Orgy Entertainment – Just gave a Photography Talk at PSK Auditorium, New Delhi

It was another proud moment for me, as I gave a photography talk on “automotive photography” and general “photography as a career”, for a photography festival held by the wonderful people at Orgy Entertainment. This was a long photography festival which went on for almost 2 months, and concluded with this wonderful seminar at the PSK Auditorium at Preet Vihar, New Delhi, today.

I love interacting with people, enthusiasts who are really interested in Photography, and it was but natural that I spoke to them about what automotive photography is all about and how photography as a career has changed my life, and my outlook towards life too. It was, overall a wonderful experience to see so many enthusiastic souls attending this wonderful seminar and photography talk. Here is a photo of me holding the momento which Orgy Entertainment honored me with after the seminar.


Bobby Roy holding the momento presented after the photography seminar by Orgy Entertainment.


Close-up of the text in the Certificate.

All For A Living…


It was not too long ago that I had this chance of interacting with a middle aged gentleman while I was waiting at the bus stand, to go some-place where I had to be. And I am sure I must have stuck out like a sore thumb in front of him or something. There I was, dressed in a very naive looking shirt and a dirty pair of denims faded with use and adorned with what else, but dirt and grime.The gentleman, however, seemed to be doing way better than what I was at that point of time – he was draped in the latest  threads, complete with what looked like this season’s coolest (or hottest, depending on the way you look at it!) sunglasses and shoes which seemed to gel perfectly well with the pants he was wearing on top of those sprawling estate, which I would like to believe were shoes!

He was looking at me for quite some-time, I could see. And then, all of a sudden, after almost assessing me in detail, he started exchanging pleasantries. We did exchange some “HIs” and HELLOs” and then, he threw me THE question that everyone, no-matter WHO I meet seem to ask me, what I did for a living. Just as I was about to answer that question of his, my cell phone rang and as I got it out of my pocket to see who was calling me at this hour of the day (it was almost 8:30 in the morning, a time when people generally are in a rush to reach their respective ‘jails’…Oops…Offices, is what I meant), I could see his two pair of eyes (from inside those funky sunglasses) rolled into the sight of that phone in my hands.

After I was done talking on the phone, I said – “I write, I click, I travel, and at times, I ride motorcycles. This is precisely what I do for a living, not in any particular order.” I tell it to him bluntly, almost in a hushed tone and I could see his eyes clearly lighting up, almost in amazement, or may be he thought I was bluffing; I would never know. “Oh, alright, but what do you do for a living?”, he asked me again. And as I explained to him a third time straight, he still seemed a little confused as to what “exactly” I did for a living. And by now, he was throwing those strange nervous glances all over me, and it seemed he was even murmering something strange to himself. I don’t know what his words were, the voices seemed to die down amidst the blaring horns of the passing vehicles. I reckon he didn’t get it, and I doubt he ever will. I say this, because I KNOW he didn’t really understood a word of what I said about what I did for a living, especially, in a time when, since childhood we are all groomed in such a way – be it in our homes, or schools/ colleges, we are almost led to believe that it is a sin if we do ANYTHING else but be doctors, engineers, lawyers and ofcourse a banker (how could I forget THAT one!?). If we do anything “unorthodox”, then, our life is not worth living at all. It is almost like committing a sin and not able to come out of it in any possible way!

I believe people like him just don’t understand that Photography and Motorcycling have infact kept me away from many ‘sins’ in life, if you know what I mean. If ever I am sad, I make it a point to click some pictures or may be go out traveling and all that sadness just seems to vanish away. I am sure he must have been working on some sort of number crunching to keep abreast with what he has been doing all his life, especially after he heard (crystal clear, I hope) that there CAN be a living by creating pictures and traveling all across the country too! At the end of it all, while I moved away, I could see almost a question mark on his face, with his index finger on his forehead almost closing his eyes in the process; he trying to figure out what all I just said while I, on the other hand, almost had this evil grin on my face as I disappeared onto the horizon, which, not surprisingly was filled with blaring car horns, and unending line of traffic jams…

Till next time. 🙂


Aston Martin DB9 photo-shoot

It is not everyday that one gets to work for an iconic British automotive brand, and when I was the lucky one, I couldn’t let go off this opportunity, but ofcourse. The beauty was the Aston Martin DB9, and in a bright-yellow paint job no less. It was done over a period of half a day, and I am really thankful to AM for have given me this wonderful opportunity and to have trusted me with this beautiful car.

The Aston Martin DB9 is an iconic sports-car, with the image of 007 probably something which comes into your mind instantly when one thinks of the brand Aston Martin. Loved all over the world, Aston Martin has surely become one of the most iconic automotive brands in this country too, off-late. Go, have a look and I am sure you’d fall in love with their brand of models. For a handful of us who CAN actually go ahead and splurge the money to buy these beauties, I am sure they’d have the absolute time of their lives.

Sharing below a few pictures from the wonderful photo-shoot. Thanks to the wonderful team at Aston Martin, and also thanks to my light-assistant for the day, Aditya for helping me out and assisting me in this all important photo-shoot of the beautiful DB9.

Presenting the Aston Martin DB9 in all her glory.








Delhi Jazz Festival, 2013

The 3rd Delhi International Jazz Festival, organised by the Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR) featured 14 bands from 11 countries this year. The festival was held at Nehru Park, New Delhi from 15-18 March and is the largest ever jazz festival, with performances across four days. I was there to enjoy the music, and to create a few pictures. It was an amazing experience, attending this festival of music, 3rd consecutive year. 🙂 Here are some photographs from the fest.